Sunday, 11 May 2014


Flood damage-resistant materials include:

Glazed brick, concrete, concrete block, glass block or stone (with waterproof mortar or grout);
Steel trusses, headers, beams,  panels, or hardware;
Naturally decay resistant lumber, recycled plastic lumber, or marine grade plywood;
Clay, concrete, rubber, or steel tiles (with chemical-set or waterproof adhesives);
Cement board;
Metal doors, cabinets, and window frames;
Mastic, silicone, or polyurethane formed-in-place flooring;
Sprayed polyurethane foam or closed-cell plastic foam insulation;
Water-resistant glue; and
Polyester epoxy paint (mildew-resistant paint contains toxic ingredients and should not be used indoors).

Understanding that all materials including fasteners and connectors need to flood proof, such as water proof grout.

I have decided to use concrete, more specifically concrete blocks for my house.
It is a common flood damage-resistant material and the blocks add more character to the material with textures.
Concrete is one of the most durable materials, withstands floods and winds  with minimal or no structural damage.
The weight and mass on of the concrete can reduce the noise coming inside from outside.
Conserves energy through the use of thermal mass and reduced air infiltration. Barrier that reduces drafts and keeps an even temperature through the house.
Can be made with a combination of recycled and natural products.

Able to be cleaned after floods.

 Ehrlich Architects.2

 Ehrlich Architects.

 Tom Kundig


I like the bigger blocks of concrete on the left, modern effect that works well with the block snap of the layout of my house. Works well with fly roof buildings.

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